Episode 1 of the Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast is scheduled to release Monday, April 12th.
In the first episode, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan will be discussing the upside to the downside; exploring how COVID-19 has lifted the veil on youth ministry, giving the church a chance to press reset.
Later in the series, our hosts will be interviewing special guests: Katie Prejean McGrady, Ben Woodman, Jason Ballard, Sarah Kaczmarek, and Jim Beckman to get their take on the current state of youth ministry and how we can do better.
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When a tidal wave occurs, the water is first drawn out for miles revealing plants, rocks, and sea creatures. It also reveals all the things that don’t belong in an ocean: garbage and wreckage. And then the wave comes.
2020 was the year of a big reveal in many aspects of our lives. It was also a year of a reveal in youth ministry. When business-as-usual came to a screeching halt in our ministry we felt so much loss. What also happened was, just like with a tidal wave, a reveal of everything that was under the surface included some things that didn’t belong there in the first place.
As we look forward with cautious hope to preparing for in-person ministry again, what was revealed that we need to let go of? How can we use this moment to reevaluate how we do ministry with young people?
Let’s not just “get back to normal”.
Because we believe that a tidal wave of grace is coming for and by Gen Z in the Church.
Joshua Danis and Jordan Biere from Alpha and Annie Grandell from YDisciple out of NET Ministries bring their voices and unique perspectives together for this limited series podcast to talk about how we can begin to shift our mindset in youth ministry.
Special Guests:
Katie Prejean McGrady
Jim Beckman
Sarah Kaczmarek
Jason Ballard
Ben Woodman

Have a question for our hosts? Submit it below, and it could be answered in future episodes!

Alpha Catholic Context
& Host

YDisciple &

Alpha Youth Director
& Co-Host